Posted by: morgan1965 | December 31, 2022

Memories of What 2023 Could Be

We enter into each new year with memories of the various happenings during the past year. Perhaps it is your fondest memory of winter, or spring, or summer or fall that you cherish. It might be the most memorable time that you spent with your mother or father, or a sibling. For some it will be the memory of a vacation spot or a retreat setting, or family reunion. A visit with a childhood friend might be an inspiring memory. Such a memory is not unlike the impact of a teacher whose presence has helped to shape your life. Fond memories can help to shape our future.

The month of December provides a context for considering one’s most memorable gift. On the one hand, our most precious and memorable gift is Jesus Christ. On the other hand, there is the most memorable gift that God has given to you. What have you been doing with your God given talents such as writing, music, art, teaching, preaching, medical work, engineering, and other marvelous talents? 

Do you harbor any memories of what you thought could be in your life in light of your gifts? Are there any regrets among your memories of the previous year?

The poem, “Burning the Old Year” by Naomi Shihab Nye notes that “so much of any year is flammable.” The last stanza of the poem says:

          “Quick dance, shuffle of losses and leaves,

          only the things I didn’t do

          crackle after the burning dies.”

Nye’s poem emphasizes the need to remove the old. At year’s end, consider the inconsequential things, things that don’t really matter. When we discard the unimportant memories or activities, we can welcome the fresh beginning offered by the New Year. When engaging this process, one should not feel guilt, but joy.

The poem invites the reader to be prepared for change, even unexpected change. The suggestion is that we burn the old stuff of the past year. The hope is that such burning will open one’s heart and mind to enjoy the fragrance of God’s fresh beginnings in the New Year. Now is the time to complete the unfinished tasks from the past.

The Apostle Paul reminds us that, “If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Couched within us is a new beginning, a gift from God. Remember the words from the “Hymn of Promise” (UMH, #707):

          “In our end is our beginning:

          in our time, infinity;       

in our doubt there is believing;

          in our life, eternity.

          In our death, a resurrection;     

at the last, a victory,

          unrevealed until its season,

          something God alone can see.”

With this in mind, our end and our beginning, we have an appropriate opportunity to vision and dream about next things.

What does God have in mind for you? What gifted opportunities has God placed in

your life? This is a matter of discernment. It is a matter of prayer, listening

to God. Dear God, grant us wisdom and courage to unwrap each new day in the

New Year as your gift to us. Reveal to us the memories of what 2023 could be.

Think About It!

Pray About It!

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